A really challenging topic in modern medicine. Usually Philosophers
and the people who learn and teach ethics use the term as a verbal decoration.
The real people who are dealing with such concerns are none of those people.
For them it is a theme and an issue. The real issue comes to the patient and
the doctor. Theoretical view about the topic may help to get a good picture and
an answer to the question. The issue goes around the table proving no one have
a clear idea.
Euthanasia is the will of a patient especially those who are
severely ill to end their lives. Such a will comes due to pain, inability to
move as a normal person and depression. Actually the real meaning of the word
depression is not used. Depression a also a psychiatric medical condition
associated with mental status, mental disorders and some of physical disorders
and drug treatments. Here the real meaning of depression comes with the
helpless live and pain.
We could see such people a lot with current medical practice
especially in the field of general medicine. A good example is cancer (metastatic
incurable). Such patients usually
experience unhappiness, pain, and helpless condition which they are facing.
Such patients sometimes think about the end of the pain, frustrations, sadness,
and the depressed life. Considerable
amount of patients think about a painless death. They think it’s a human right
to end the life in such conditions. This is the place where all the
philosophies and ethics start to argue.
In current medical practice treats many chronic diseases
which can be treated fully. Majority of these diseases are incurable and some
can put to a short or long remissions with many late complications. There are
also many medical conditions associated with severe pain, lack of strength to
meet the medical condition and depression.
There are two major types of euthanasia voluntary and non
voluntary. Euthanasia sometimes discussed in situations like accidents and
military cases with massive and deadly damages to people. Where some people
thinks about the life of the suffering person (casualty). Some people, helpers,
in the battle field soldiers and medics and paramedics think about giving a
relief to those people by ending life. They know this person would die within
some time. The actual challenge comes with the decision making. Who is so sure
and confident about such a decision? Even a person who is at the hospital
willing the end of the life sometimes not considered. Even doctors have no
confidence and solid mind to make such a decision. Everyone have their own
views about life these conditions also effect in the decision making about
euthanasia. Even for euthanasia a big issue remains unanswered in the field of
medicine. Even though we have scientific prove and confidence we don’t have the
moral confidence to support or carried the euthanasia.
Few years back some countries like Netherlands considered
the issue and they gave a legal right to some situations. Even in such
conditions euthanasia remains as a un answered question. As human beings evidences,
science, humanity, our religions, culture and human moral don’t like to give
direct answers. Sometimes such answers may exist but we don’t see them because
we don’t want it. If the answer is “NO” what would be the condition? As usually
ethics and philosophy will argue till the end of the world because they usually
not answer the questions. Usually they only ask questions. May be the real
answers are hidden in our own human mind, culture and religions. They never considered
in the theme for a long time. Their names only used but their contents and
value are not considered. Euthanasia will remain unanswered. It’s time to search
the truth in the real place places. In the human mind, in the cultures, and in
the religions.
There should be an answer but it may be a "Yes" some times it may be a "No".