Monday, 29 October 2012

In To custody. (From Russia with love, sadness and tears )

This week current Russian government took three more government opposition activists in to custody. If the current government is fully satisfied by the previous presidential election such a out come is not a normal one. Here the current Russian government clearly shows the fear which appearing in the government and  ONE RUSSIA political party. The fear is about increasing negativity towards the government attitudes in the society. Russia is a country holds 150 million population. If the government always the winning team and not afraid to opposition political parties this shouldnt be the way to give an answer. Last week media reported Russian secret services captured political opponents of ONE RUSSIA party in Ukraine capital. Till now the captured are without trace.
CNN report about arrested political opponents  

Friday, 26 October 2012

Losing information freedom.

This week china blocked the NEW YORK TIMES website. The reason was it has reviled the rich life style of the Chinese government officials. Information restriction has become a major issue in current politics. Recently Russia also thinking to develop such a fire wall to restrict some website in WWW. This consideration was taken after statics have shown the fall of fame of Putin in last few years. Also loss of support to the ONE RUSSIA political Party. There was a discussion in parliament to block WIKIPEDIA recently. Under the huge fame of WIKI the blocking couldn’t be carried. There are some of the major websites including FB on the discussion desk. Letter ends with a quote by JFK.
A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.

CNN news letter about blocking newyork times 

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Oak and the love

Once to an annual magazine I wrote an article. It was a short story.  It was written on a old copy book. Few years later I was sitting in a cafĆ© with my Russian girl friend. She told me that her love is exactly a big beautiful Oak tree. That time I didn’t know the Russian word for the Oak tree. Then I told about my small story about an Oak tree and gardener. Then she translated the Russian word and showed the English meaning. The translation was “Oak”. We were amazed. Then the unpublished story about the Oak tree, gardener and their love I gave to her as a gift. Few months later I saw some Oak trees around the stadium MERKURI. I collected their seeds and brought in to the room and I planted few seeds. See! They are growing, outside weather autumn. My small oak trees are growing in my hostel room. I love them as the gardener loved to Oak tree. This is the new symbol of love in my love story and it is growing.  

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Russian Government afraid the media freedom and the cyber avalanche coming toward the current political regime.

Russian government started to see through the internet for people, organizations and all the web sites which become threat to the government. Actually the real political intentions of the current process are remain unclear. Only government explanations remains and very popular as the facts. Government reasoning about the current situation and process is leading because of the huge media power developed by the current government’s media. Especially media power under “ONE RUSSIA” political party is very advanced and huge.
Around two and half month ago there was a discussion about blocking some world famous websites including WIKIPEDIA.  These are major websites which leads in the cyber media. Those websites are not only cyber media but also education reservoirs for many people.
Previously Russian political parties had no such a fear but with the cyber technology advancement majority of internet sites can be read in Russian language. This brings a huge political avalanche towards the current government because much information against the current policies and their effects are uncovered by the foreign media and other organizations.
Especially one alternative Russian media uncovered after the last presidential election the number of people fully supporting to Vladimir Putin is 15 %( Those who 100% believe government policy). Majority left without clear idea or support to him because they have no competitor or a choice. Recently few people worked against the ONE Russia party in elections suffer in prisons.
Past elections also showed decrement of people support to the current government. So it very clear that there is a possibility to change of people, come against the government. The easiest way is not to change the political policies but to block those information sources and clear those people who criticize government, ONE RUSSIA party and Political Policies. It’s very clear that government is turning to such a process violating the right of information, education and freedom.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Felt the Anginal Pain

I took a skype call to home. My mother and father was on the other side of the line. Im in Russia and they are in Sri Lanka. Im going to finish my degree by this December. I told to my mom if it is possible try to send my brother to the graduation ceremony. I didnt have idea about the expenditure which we should bare in Russia. I didnt know about the financial condition of the home. My brother wasn't forward to my suggestion. Mom also forced him.Then I send some e mails to my brother asking why? why cant you come? dont be afraid! Then at last he replied me. "Brother we didnt tell you, but the financial condition is not so good. Mother sometimes skip her drug therapy to save money some times. I we could find money I will come. I'm sure". I would like admit those low mark holders who went sri lankan university under the district mark base are not the most suitable. Of course those low mark holders are in the first line against the foreign graduates. We are the people who had enough marks to attend to sri lankan medical university but who didnt get the opportunity. Till now our parents suffer, to give us the best. No MERCY to the politics and the other forces against the right of education. I hope the justice would be delivered to all.   

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

No terrorism!!!

It's a unforgettable day in the recent history September 11 attacks on world trade center buildings of America. There is no question what country affected. What kind of political policy they have. The main importance of  September attacks they show what they can do. Who showed what they can do? The terrorism. I leave a small message in a hurry to respect all the victims of cruel terrorism. Not only the 911 victims and their families but also unfortunate victims of the terrorism of other countries. Terrorism is a deadly. It should be stopped. There is no argument between anyone about stopping terrorism.    


A really challenging topic in modern medicine. Usually Philosophers and the people who learn and teach ethics use the term as a verbal decoration. The real people who are dealing with such concerns are none of those people. For them it is a theme and an issue. The real issue comes to the patient and the doctor. Theoretical view about the topic may help to get a good picture and an answer to the question. The issue goes around the table proving no one have a clear idea.
Euthanasia is the will of a patient especially those who are severely ill to end their lives. Such a will comes due to pain, inability to move as a normal person and depression. Actually the real meaning of the word depression is not used. Depression a also a psychiatric medical condition associated with mental status, mental disorders and some of physical disorders and drug treatments. Here the real meaning of depression comes with the helpless live and pain.
We could see such people a lot with current medical practice especially in the field of general medicine. A good example is cancer (metastatic incurable).  Such patients usually experience unhappiness, pain, and helpless condition which they are facing. Such patients sometimes think about the end of the pain, frustrations, sadness, and the depressed life.  Considerable amount of patients think about a painless death. They think it’s a human right to end the life in such conditions. This is the place where all the philosophies and ethics start to argue.
In current medical practice treats many chronic diseases which can be treated fully. Majority of these diseases are incurable and some can put to a short or long remissions with many late complications. There are also many medical conditions associated with severe pain, lack of strength to meet the medical condition and depression.  
There are two major types of euthanasia voluntary and non voluntary. Euthanasia sometimes discussed in situations like accidents and military cases with massive and deadly damages to people. Where some people thinks about the life of the suffering person (casualty). Some people, helpers, in the battle field soldiers and medics and paramedics think about giving a relief to those people by ending life. They know this person would die within some time. The actual challenge comes with the decision making. Who is so sure and confident about such a decision? Even a person who is at the hospital willing the end of the life sometimes not considered. Even doctors have no confidence and solid mind to make such a decision. Everyone have their own views about life these conditions also effect in the decision making about euthanasia. Even for euthanasia a big issue remains unanswered in the field of medicine. Even though we have scientific prove and confidence we don’t have the moral confidence to support or carried the euthanasia.
Few years back some countries like Netherlands considered the issue and they gave a legal right to some situations. Even in such conditions euthanasia remains as a un answered question. As human beings evidences, science, humanity, our religions, culture and human moral don’t like to give direct answers. Sometimes such answers may exist but we don’t see them because we don’t want it. If the answer is “NO” what would be the condition? As usually ethics and philosophy will argue till the end of the world because they usually not answer the questions. Usually they only ask questions. May be the real answers are hidden in our own human mind, culture and religions. They never considered in the theme for a long time. Their names only used but their contents and value are not considered. Euthanasia will remain unanswered. It’s time to search the truth in the real place places. In the human mind, in the cultures, and in the religions. 
There should be an answer but it may be a "Yes" some times it may be a "No". 

Saturday, 8 September 2012


to know about the freedom and real politics every person should read the autobiography of Nelson Mandela. He is an international icon of democracy. Even after many year of is active political carrier his legacy gives many lessons to the modern politics. If you follow the link you would down load pdf book of the book. Its a short and interesting story to read and understand.

donwload the free pdf version of the original book. "A long walk to freedom".

Thursday, 6 September 2012

A post from my new Russian Live journal blog site.

following blog will be the first letter of introducing the Russian political Mafia and the political play in the present. The letter would would submit clues about the fake world which described by the late Russian writes and artists. Their books haven't read by majority of new Russian generation. In directly the letter would supply some answer to the writers who have never seen Russia and writing it's greatness. I have the full confident to write the series of letters about Russia as I'm living in Russia around six years.  The following story is based on a real situation in Kursk State medical University
Shoot the Niger and shameful behavior
I was walking through the back gate of the Kursk state medical University (KSMU) one Russian folk who were wearing a sunglasses and a cap was visible through the window of the toilet. A student he should be. This fellow is a amazing student. I was with my girl friend. The fellow put his head out from the window I saw he was smoking and shouted at me “Fuck you Niger”. I felt so sad. This is not the only thing what he did. He showed two pistols they were aimed at me. I don’t know are they real or not? Is this the normal behavior of a medical student? I directly complained to the security guard at the gate. He was using very nice filth and told me it’s not a problem belongs to him. Then I went to meet the head of the security service of the university he was not there. The time was around 3 PM. It was a working day and the people who are responsible for university’s security have left. I was helpless. Don’t I have a dignity? These are not actual medical students. These are the cheap non disciplined people coming to the university from the rural areas Kursk and nearby places. Medical students really have a tamed character. These people don’t have such a clear mind and character. I wondered how did they got the opportunity to come to a medical university? Are these the people who are going to treat patients in the future? What a corrupted education. In my country medical education is for the real people but not to the maniacs. On the other hand why university doesn’t take an step to advice all the new coming students to teach the social norms and manners. Why the university can’t give a short introduction to the new students about the foreign students. What I can say is I never took anything from the university or from Russia without paying. I’m a medical student who is studying under my own expenses why the university and the others can’t pay a little attention about foreign students?

Sunday, 26 August 2012

We chose the moon. Paying respect to a hero.

Space race began from the 1950.  Former USSR was the leading country in the space race. Their Sputnik, Yuri Gaggarin, Lika, Valentina Terescova made the space history. Their legacy and the records are unbreakable. With the political, Economical, and technological success American started to claim and challenge the USSR’s place. Later US also made some success in the process of space exploration. John Glane became the first American who reached the space. Even after such effort American were behind Soviet success. In 1962 in a public speech John F kennady announced “We chose to go to the moon”
Later as he said in a decade man made man crewed vessel left earth’s orbit and on July 21 1969 made the history by making the first foot print on moon. Those people grabbed the trophy of Space race. There are many conspiracies about the moon landing. I think man was on the moon. There were 6 manned moon landings including the first one. First crew included Niel Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michel Collins. Armstrong was the first man to land on the moon. As life is a amazing, enjoyable and uncertain place even though we could hide between the stars every man should face his final moment. Yesterday Neil Armstrong the brave man of space exploration left us. Our respects go for his bravery and dedication. Rest in Peace sir. Neil Armstrong is a hero of our time. 

President John F Kennady's Speech-
Read President John F kennady's speech mentioning the moon exploration plan.  

Virtual Experience of Saturn 5 launch and moon mission.- Virtual Experience of Saturn 5 launch and moon mission.-

Moon Landings-About space race and moon exploration WIKI

The hero of our time Neil Armstrong.