Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Modern Medical Trends.

A fascinating medical trial has carried out in USA. According to international science journals this is the most advanced clinical trial which has carried out recently. Fortunately the medical devices which have tested are successful. While reading the new article I felt the about the upcoming revolution in modern medicine.
The experiment and trial was associated with implantable diagnostic and drug releasing devises. The implantable diagnostic and drug releasing devices are already in the market. So what is the specialty? The recently tested devices are using advanced silicon electronic technologies. Majority of these devices are smaller than a sand particle.
Once u you ingested the device it will supply all the necessary details to a specialized hospitals and doctors far away from you. Advantages of the tested technology are breathtaking. I would like to give an example to describe the technology. If a micro diagnostic device is swallowed by a patient acquired details will be automatically sent to computer systems which are located in the hospitals and regional clinics. It’s very easy to understand the effectiveness about the procedures and the technology.
Micro devices which release drugs in sustained and controlled manner are the other method. This also has tested in the above clinical trial. Drug dose can be controlled by external electronic transmitters.
Think about the outcome if the technologies are combined. While monitoring the patient’s condition can carry the treatment procedures productively. As the devices are much smaller the harmful side effects are less. Patient’s comfort with the devices assured.
Think about a devices which is much intelligent than the current devices. As an example let’s take a patient with Angina. A systemic monitoring device which has the capability to monitor patient heart rate, blood pressure peripheral resistance, cardiac contractility, and coronary blood supply is implanted in a patient. The device has communications with an external new generation computer system which has data about patient’s previous medical history and day to day monitored details. This system always inspected by specialized physicians. There is endovascular implanted drug releasing device. Drug releasing device can control and release drugs according to external signals from the intelligent computer system. Think about a heart attack! The monitoring devise will send all the details to the external computer system. With in very short time the computer system will interpret the data and send necessary details to the drug releasing device.
The method is much useful to patients who are not in the Pill in The Pocket method. Also this would be much helpful to patients who are paralyzed and old. They can’t take the Anti Angina medications quickly. I think this kind of device may keep the patient alive till the arrival of emergency medical personals.
Modern medicine is turning in to a new direction which would be much advance than the current clinical medicine. This would be good news for all of us. We all get ill. Healthy life is the true happiness and the profit. I wish this medical advancement will be available to patient's use soon. 

Tuesday, 14 February 2012


There is a discussion in the society which concerned about the American act against Sri Lanka. America and the European countries are ready to support any UN act against Sri Lanka. The American decision not only paints a bad picture about Sri Lanka but also it suggests other countries and organizations to work against Sri Lanka. Indirectly America telling to other supporting countries and organizations to work against us. This is a possible thing. LTTE and other nongovernmental organizations are carrying huge protests against our little country. Think about the LTTE plan! When they couldn’t achieve their goal in Sri Lanka they try it in Virtual Space (Internet). LTTE have progress in to a virtual government. This is a major turning point in the terrorism progression. LTTE always connect with Tamilnadu politics so they can force Indian politics to work against Sri Lanka. When south India becomes warm Indian Foreign ministers and Ambassadors force our government to take wrong decisions. When the western countries are going against Sri Lanka sri lankan opposition leaders think to take advantages from the situation. I would like to call them traitors. To take a political advantage to win narrow political goals they join with Americans. Even socialist political parties have forgotten their beginning. Socialism is not a thing connected with the capitalism. Especially socialism has no connection with countries like America and modern Europe. Thing what makes Sri Lankan socialism very silly is all of them have direct political connections with America and Modern Europe. Instead of working as internal political forces all the socialist parties get support from American and Europe. Yesterday I saw Socialist Student Association of Sri Lanka University celebrates Valentine’s Day. This is the Sri Lankan Socialism.
The government has their week points. In a point like today supporting external political forces to break the Sri Lankan government is a worse nightmare. If the opposition party has a will to govern the country they should build the power. This power should gain from the Sri Lankan community. It is a worse decision to gain this power with the help other countries like America, Europe and Canada. Even Indial is not a supporting country to Sri Lanka today.
I don’t know what to talk. When we think about our country majority think about a superstar tv program. If we write one letter no Sri Lankan comes forward. Is Sri Lanka not you country? Please think about the future of our country. Please think about the future generation of the country. It’s time to wake up.
follow the links to know about US political force on Sri Lanka.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

In harsh times.

I was reading several Sunday news papers. There I met some problems which need solid and real answers as soon as possible. Also I read about some interesting topics which will be much useful to people. There is a huge political force growing against Sri Lanka all over the world. Even friendly nations turning against us are showing their real face. The problem is even in such critical cases majority of Sri Lankans sit silently. Why people love super star program than their country? Why people only think about their own political views than a common political agenda. I’m not going to put points to government, but this is the government which our country chooses. By developing internal conflicts we support international political forces against small nations. There is a huge mistake which we have done. Even under severe threats we think some countries are our close friends. What we should understand is what their purposes are. In the current political background I only see two friends to sri Lanka, number one Maldives and number two Pakistan. What about India? India plays the usual political double game against the small countries. Nearby future they will suggest their conditions to solve Sri Lankan ethnic problem. Actually what we should understand is they are not suggesting a solution, instead they will give us a cheap Indian solution by force.
Thank god this week Sri Lankan president H;E Mahinda jarapaksha is in Diplomatic Mission to Pakistan. This a important point to Sri Lankan political stability. Unfortunately this week Sri Lanka loses one of his best political supporters, Dr Nashib. Global political environment getting warm about Sri Lanka this week. We heard the America is going to support any political decision against Sri Lanka. This is not good news for Sri Lankans. Definitely India will support such a decision against us. This is why I point your attention to think about real international friends. Sri Lankans and the government should think about political and social independence.
Soon there will be an increment in fuel prices. This would be major problem for all the Sri Lankans. Its time to think about new energy sources. Thinking is not enough we should work for it.
There are many issues to discuss but im taking a little break. It’s time to Sri Lanka to make a new country.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Independence day.

Sri Lanka is at the height of its development process. Independence day of 2012 direct our attention to several important issues. After the war international political forces are becoming more and stricter. When the development process is in the sustainable direction our inner and outside dark forces are getting irritated. Sri Lanka should think about optional and long lasting energy forces to assist it development process. There is an urgency to possess Foreign policy, education policy and a policy to handle our economy. If there is a government chosen by the majority of a country other politician must build a strong opposition to support and assist its development process. Running political agendas which are aimed individual ideas and aims will lead the country in to a living hell. Sri Lankans must think about the development process which has become a major theme in all the political discussions. Nothing else it’s the sustained development process. Sustained development process would be the future program for a strong nation. Even though there are many arguments between politicians, students, and university teachers, government should think about widening the opportunities to get a good education.
There are many other things to direct your attention. But there is a lack of time. Finally everyone should think about the real meaning of independence. The day which we are going to celebrate should have a real meaning. There is a huge weight over politicians and out people to take our nation to an environment which is really independent.