Recent clashes between Sinhalese and Muslims have bring the political sphere toward a special point. Here everyone concern about disabling racist acts and promote the unity between ethnic groups. when we consider about Sri Lanka its not only Tamils, Muslims and Sinhalese. Except those ethnic groups we have gypsies and native people too. they do possess the same right to live on the soil. Racist act in Sri Lanka recently strongly backed by united nations human resource council decisions. UK and US joint acts against Sri Lanka has made an impact on people. People search a solution by them selves. Same time UN and other Non governmental organizations support ant Sri Lankan programs and all kinds of Anti Sri Lanka propaganda. Its very disgusting and shameful to see the same people who support and made terrorists like LTTE strong became forward to protect human rights. With those LTTE supporters UN and UNHRC have become allies. UN have recently loss their reputation due to misconduct its duties and role as a world force. In such a situations its obvious small countries and developing countries are losing their trust about UN. In the scenario its worthy and important Sri Lankans make new collaborations and new contacts with countries like Russia, China, Pakistan, and South America. It is obvious due to misuse of political and military force EU, USA,UK and other countries who support US propaganda quickly loosing their political powers and integrity. Its very obvious in Ukraine political instability, where American propaganda failed. as Sri Lankans we should concern about solving domestic issues within the country. Sri Lankans never underestimate anti SL vision, agendas, and programs internationally to archive narrow goals. We should identify our real friends and foes. and again and again before everything the country. Love the country. if you love your country that means you love your mother.