Dont think that I have forgotten you Baba. How come I forget you? How can I forget you? Why should I forget you? The answer is I will not gorget you Baba. I remembered you today morning. Yet my alarm rings around 4.55am. I still remember that good morning message you sent. I miss that greeting. I miss that time. I miss you. And my heart aches for the rest of the day. Please Baba someday remember if you see all these letters (definitely you will call silly) was the pain in me. These words written here have pain within them. Im writing these with a pain. Definitely all these things written with love. I will keep my love always. I will miss you forever. I will remember that first meet of us forever. I will remember that beautiful cycle ride we took around the park forever. I will remember the smell of your hair forever baba. I will miss you forever. Take care your self Baba. Be safe.
To break the dark matter in the life.
Sunday, 28 April 2019
Friday, 26 April 2019
27 April
Baba, how are you? Are you at home? I hope so. Wherever you are doesn't matter please keep my promise to be safe. I wish you everything good sweetheart. I miss you a lot. I did something very good today morning Baba. And I remember you while I was doing so. May you be live long!! What if we could meet this Saturday? Those memories Baba. My eyes are wet. Love is a thing last long Baba. It will last within me forever. Remember I had love with me, tuat love is for you. I dont think that I will last long Baba. I think my love will las for you. Last few days I was praying numerous times for your safety. Writing this in a fast moving vehicle. If there are some spelling issues, beg you pardon. Take care baba.
Thursday, 25 April 2019
26 April
Baba are you doing fine? Remember please you were in my hear always. You will always be in my heart. Be angry,blame me or hate me anyway I have love to you within my heart. I was praying your safety fpr last few days. Please be safe Baba. I know im not even in your memories even. I know I dont deserve a chance to be there. Im kind of forcefully trying to remain in your memories. I dont want to be forgotten. Its so painful Baba. I know you have to anyway. Please remember I woke up and went to sleep thinking of you. I tried to see you when I close my eyes. Im telling you the truth. I have no lies anymore. I miss you. Im crazy. Please take care your self.
Wednesday, 24 April 2019
25 April
Dear How are you? I dont know what to say Baba. Im in pain. I dont know whats happening there with you. I pray for your safety. Im sure at time im writing this you are on your way to work. My heart is aching. Please wherever you go be vigilant. Please stay away from issues, and social gatherings. I hope you and your family is safe. I remember you always Baba. Always your name being singing in my heart. My memories are full of you. Please baba wherever you go be safe. I love you forever. Take care l.
Tuesday, 23 April 2019
24 April
Please Baba. Remember dont walk around in colombo much. The situation is insecure. I couldn't even log in. I was a volunteer in colombo for a day. I hope you are fine Baba. Please don't stay in crowded places. The risk isnt gone away. I wish you safety always. Please be safe. Please always look around, think and work. Time is critical. I tried to pass a message to maximum. I dont want to make you cry again. Im not like others. I love but I dont see those tears in your eyes. I pray and I wish your safety. I wish your family's safety. I will always keep my love with in me for you. I remember you always Baba. Please dont be mischievous! Stay safe. Pls pls pls. Theruwan saranayi.
Sunday, 21 April 2019
21 April
I hope you are doing fine Baba. The country is in a critical situation. I wish your safety and wellbeing. I remembered you a lot. I know im forgotten. Today such a tragic day. 8 bombs. People died. I was so worried about your safety. I prayed for you Baba. I dont want to see you in trouble. I dont want to see your family in trouble. I just want you to be safe. I want you to be healthy. I want you to live long. Please be safe sweetheart. I miss you. Dont let me live in dark. I wish I could accompany you home after work. Im not worthy I know. Please stay safe Baba. Take care.
Saturday, 20 April 2019
21 April
I couldn't write yesterday Baba. New Year is gone. A brief one like feeling. I remember everything about us like it was yesterday. Things belongs to us are the most Devine. Things belong to us are the most memorable. Sure those are much painful to you and me. I know you are in pain. Im feeling your pain always. Im in pain too. New year is over. Baba please be aware rains are falling, for sure dengue will be an issue soon. Please and please...! Baba be safe!. An infection for the second time is so difficult to treat. I remember how you were in the hospital. I was looking at you through a window for a long time. I was sad, not only because you were ill. I didnt know why. I ran in to the car and cried as much as I could. I never wanted to leave you there alone. And I dont know why it was. I miss you so much. Please just remember someday this jerk (idiot,Devil) loved you so much. And you will be loved forever. Miss you.
Thursday, 18 April 2019
19 April.
I feels like I've been forgotten. New year a better time to be so. I know Baba you had to do it to decrease your pain. I know your pain. I know that you are in pain too. So do I. Im living in excruciating pain. May be new year is the best time to erase everything about me from your mind. That is so painful. That feeling is so painful. Baba what If this friday a day which I could meet you? Those fridays were the best. I was rushing, running and hurrying to meet you. Definitely. I still remember the sweet fragrance of you. I miss your smile. I miss everything about us. Please be safe sweetheart.
18 April
I think you are after work going home. May be you are planning to visit cousins tomorrow. Im looking at Dambulla bus. The same bus which I was rushed to catch in Fridays. Same bus same place. We are changed. My heart is crying. Remember how I was running for the bus after a half day work? From Dambulla im catching the bus to colombo. Im not even sitting but im talking to you through out the journey. Sometimes you were so harsh. Didnt care me. Thats okay. But it couldn't prevent me fall in in love with you. I have my love saved for you Baba. I miss you. Please take care.
Wednesday, 17 April 2019
17 April.
Baba did you kick me out from your heart? So do I have to leave Baba? I think I cant. Im in pain. I cant forget you. My life isbt easy too. I know its isnt easy for you definitely. I miss you like im mad. I think probably this weekend you will go to meet your Cousins at Kurunegala. I remember all those steps. Remember how we had a fight when you went on a trip with Kurunegala cousins to see a lake? You had no mobile signals. I tried to call. I couldn't. I went mad. We had a fight. I hope you have forgotten all of it. I dont blame for that. I have my love to you. I miss you like im mad. Always you are in my mind Like a beautiful song singing within me. Please take care Baba.
Monday, 15 April 2019
Day 1 of a new year. (April 15)
If the whole world against you Baba I will remain in your side. I will shout your name Baba. I will keep my intentions and feelings for you. I will keep all the love for you. Will you someday remember me? Will you see me in your dreams? Will you have my image painted in a far far darker corner in your heart Baba? Will you think of me at least for few times Baba? I know sweetheart, sometimes Im already forgotten. Spmetimes I have no right for you. Anyway my heart keep singing your name. It won't give up on you. Remember you blamed me sometimes that I had relationships with others? Some old aunts sometime. When you blamed so, I felt your love, you never saw the pain in me when you accuse me that way Baba. I had no relationships with them. I remembered it yesterday. Im a rare fb user, since you blocked me there also. If im that jerk i will be jogging around fb. I wish you understand the pain when the most beloved accusing that way.(i did the same sometimes I guess. Please Remember my love was to strong too. My love will be staid strong forever) I have no one in my side except you. Please take care Baba. I wish you everything joyful. I wish your happiness. Its the first day of the year for Sinhalese. I miss you.
Sunday, 14 April 2019
Happy new year Baba (New year Auspicious time)
Happy new year Baba. Writing this to you in the auspicious time of New year. I miss you. I will miss you forever. Im in pain Baba. I remember you. I never intended to hirt you. I know im a jerk. Im cruel. Yet I love you. I have that love forever for you. Please remember my heart was beating in a rhythm which sung your name. I hope you are with parents. I wish your parents long lives. You are the best thing happened to me. I will always have you in my life. Im living in your memories. Im living in you. I miss you Baba. Take care. I wish I could see you, talk with you or hear your voice. Im not that lucky though. Tc
Saturday, 13 April 2019
April 13
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Friday, 12 April 2019
12 April
I miss you Baba. Im about to go through a new year without you. I hope you are doing fine there. I know you have pain. Please know this Baba. Im in pain too. I always wish good things to you. I wish you all the best. I wish you and your parents long lives. Please take care. Did few good things by your name. Take care.
Thursday, 11 April 2019
11 April
Thank god I have internet today. Im writing a daily message to the most beloved(thats you) i miss you like im mad. My mind search you everywhere. Moreover I see you sometimes in crowds. In a sudden I see that wasn't you. My mind portrait you In front of my eyes. I hope you are fine Baba. Assume if I was the jerk, would I feel this way? Each and every minute my heart breaks in to pieces in pain. (I know Baba I deserve even more pain). I love you always. No one can't stop me loving you. I will always have my love to you. You will always live in me. I will live in you and your memories forever. Soon new year. I hope you have finished your shopping for the new year. I wish if I could join with you. I remember your mother also. She is so good. Please take care of her too. Please be safe Baba.
Tuesday, 9 April 2019
9th April
Im sorry Baba. Internet worst these days . I was trying to write. Powercuts and poor mobile signals same time. I miss you here. I have to go through a new year wothout you. I hope you remember the 2017 new year. We were that happy. Just after the new year day, you went to Kurunegala to meet your Cousin's family. I miss you this time. Sure I will miss you for the rest of my life. I wish if could hold your hand and walk. Go for some shopping. Buy some gifts. Instead im having a painful strange feeling of being forgotten. Im not angry with you. Someday if you get a chance to read my Ideas, please remember and think that I was in excruciating pain. I know you went Through the same. I will take this pain. I deserve it and I whisper it to my self always. Also remember Baba I love you always. I had my love to you always. I will have that love to you untill my last breath. I will find this love again someday again. I promise I will not make a mess. Remember I always love you. If I was a cunning, selfish and a cruel person I wont be having this pain. Im in pain. Please take care Baba. I miss you.
Sunday, 7 April 2019
April 7
Baba. New year is so closer. We didnt go for shoping. Instead we are trying to cure our hearts. I have no cure to my heart. It has pains physically and emotionally. Remember the time when I had a chest pain? I hope so. I remember how your mom once got ill. Please take care of her too Baba. I remembered you a lot. I missed you a lot. I will miss you forever. Remember how you got ill end of april after heavy rains. Please stay safe sweet. Take care.
Saturday, 6 April 2019
April 6
I hope you are fine Baba. I travelled through our memory lanes. I saw the places where we were spending time. Remember once I told that im ready to give my kidney if you needed. May you took it silly. You are probably thinking how fake was I. Its okay. But yet that will is within me. Dont get sick. Dont be ill. If you need it consider me. Im always ready. No matter where am I. When the call comes, I will be there. Im a terrible person I know. Yet I have love too. Im not going to delete, or kill my love within me. It will be there forever. I will keep my love forever. Im totally in pain Baba. Im Burning in pain. I know i deserve this. And im happy to accept this. Im so sad to bot seeing you. Im so sad because I cant hear you. Please be safe Baba. Tc
Thursday, 4 April 2019
4th April.
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i miss you like im mad. I waited to write this a lot. internet suck worse today.
please take care Baba.
ą¶øą¶ą¶් ą¶ą¶»ą¶±ą·ා. ą¶±ිą¶Æිą¶øą¶ą¶ŗි ą¶ොą¶©ą¶්. ą¶ą¶් ą¶ ą¶Æą¶් ą¶ą¶ŗාą¶§ ą·ą¶§ą·ą¶±ą¶් ą¶±ොą¶ිą¶ŗ ą¶±ිą¶±්ą¶Æą¶§ ą¶ŗą¶±්ą¶± ą¶øą¶§ ą¶¶ැą·ැ.
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i miss you like im mad. I waited to write this a lot. internet suck worse today.
please take care Baba.
Wednesday, 3 April 2019
April 3rd
I remembered you whole day. I feel the way you forget me. Kind of touching and aching my heart. I miss you a lot. I was late to write because I had a function in the work place. Remember the time just I arrived to work here? Your words were so helpful. I remembered those times Baba. Dont tell me that I neber loved you. Dont tell that Im not loving you. I will always keep the love to you. Hate me baba. Hurt me, blame me or torture me. I will not stop my heart. I will love you forever. Remember the time when I sent a selfy every morning before leaving for work? You did the same. You sent a selfy at work place. That picture made my day lucky and worthy. My favourite tie was a gift from you. Still im taking care of it. It makes me lucky. I just want to tell I missed you a lot throughout my life. I remained forever heart broken baba. I keep a smile to the public. Im crying within. I miss you.
Tuesday, 2 April 2019
How are you Baba? I wish I could see you and ask you directly. I have no rights now. And I have no privilege. I wish you good. And I hope you are fine. As I always mentioned I remember you a lot.
Saw a picture (quote. Like to see it?)
Saw a picture (quote. Like to see it?)
I felt and remember the same way. Blame me, insult me, hit me as much as you can. I deserve them all. You cant say I never loved you. Please dont insult me that way. Kill me if you want but dont say so. Only I know what I have inside my heart. I miss you. My heart and brain sing your name like a life long song. Please take care.
Monday, 1 April 2019
Our love always asked us. Why we couldn't meet earlier? Finally, why did we meet? I fell in love with you soon. I began to love everything in you had Baba. Not only your character but also your feelings. Loved your smell. Smelled your hair. I still remember you were so ignorant at the beginning. You didnt care what I said a lot. But I said everything what could make you beautiful Baba. I never intended to harm you. I forgave every thing. You did hurt me sometimes. I had nothing which I couldn't forgive you. I always forgave and found a way to love you. I have to say Baba I tried to give you good. I never wanted to distort your character. I remember everything. April starts. I miss those shopping. I miss those walks. I miss those smiles. I miss you. Please remember Baba someday If you see all this (I wish so), I loved you till the end of my life. And I promise you Baba I will find you. I will come closer to you. I miss you. So April started. Take care.
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