Monday, 26 September 2011

Education as an useful equipment.

After the British colonization and a 30 years was Sri Lanka have become to a history turning point. With the economic development, development in the modern technology and science an anonymous revolution is happening in the world. Actually than a revolution this is wining the current economic problems by appropriate management and tactics. It’s visible like a revolution because some countries couldn’t face the problems which arose in this period, so some of them have pullback from top ranking to the bottom line. Sri Lanka seems stable for a long time in this period, but some of the negative trends in the country may lead us to poverty and corruption.
I would like to take the education as an example. I chose this because better education of a nation is the best equipment to face newly arising problems and to stay stable in rapid changes of economy. Not only in economy, rapid changes can be seen in technology. Every nation should have a good preparation to face these problems .Nowadays there is a wide discussion to establish private universities in our country as other countries in the world. I think this is a good discussion. Establishment of private universities is a positive point. In front of the current economic trends there is a necessity to establish such educational centers in our country. Many countries have this experience including our neighboring countries (India, Bangladesh, Pakistan,). Yet Sri Lankans couldn’t understand the benefits and losses which we should make as a country when we letting the private sector to come in. Definitely the number of graduates in the country will be increased by few folds. So the job market will be an exhausting place to the graduates. The competition will be increased by many folds. As a result the post graduate study trends will be increased. Increased trend to postgraduate studies is a positive marker of a balanced higher education system. There will be a discussion when a firm or an organization chose a person to specific job. If the graduate from a private university which keeps higher educational standards according to nation and international requirements, the value of the degree will be high. Sometimes a competitive private university will be the leading university in the country. This competition will automatically stimulate government universities to give a good fight. This will be a much practical way to raise the government university standards and to increase the funds which come to the universities through government (To government universities).
Any step in the development process will cost something. Sometimes it may cost one generation. I’m not forcing to cut the right to education to one generation but as wise group of people we should understand the situation. Though I couldn’t get the real profits, my younger brother or my son or my daughter will have the opportunity to have a good education in our country. This is a special thing, a good education for majority of students in Sri Lanka. Everyone have a right to learn.
Every private university should agree to give 20% scholarships from the total intake to government students with good results. It’s a good point please don’t try to block this opportunity! Especially our students’ unions in the universities must understand this situation. It’s better not to stop the process but add more positive points and win them. As an example university students can stand in time when there is a need of more specialists and force the government and the responsible authorities to increase the number of scholarships to students. (Then they can increase the free educating students up to 25%). Student unions should be independent organizations. It’s a shame to see our students’ power under political agendas. Success and wisdom is not coming to as a jackpot lottery. Success will come to the people who are ready to make real dedications and sacrifices to win a goal.
The responsibility of student unions is not over. They can lead the educational process if they are not under the dark clouds of political parties. Unity and non depending character of student groups is essential in the process of educational development of a country. If you can make a contribution to identify the specialties which your country need and to develop new educational programs like computer based distant education the future will be a bright one for sure.
The responsibility in government is the biggest part of our story. A 65 million medical degree is a big amount of money for every Sri Lankan. It’s a small value to big businessmen. But government should aim not only businessmen but also the middle class majority. Middle class normal people provide the biggest effort in the development process. If government doesn’t like to think about them it would be a brutal step against the country. To study in a best Indian university a foreigner needs 88-95 million rupees (there is no point of opening a private medical university to deliver a medical degree for 65 millions, everyone will chose India by adding few more millions or cheaper degree from Bangladesh or Russia with the same standards )We expect a bearable course fee from private universities. Government should have a good awareness about these modifications in our education system. If government doesn’t inspect the higher education, there will be many corruptions in our education.
Development of a protocol for student intake is another point. Intake should be very transparent process.  Intake procedure and selection committee should be independent. Political force on the selection procedure should be prevented. There should be a very reasonable scholarship program. Government should assess the private organizations to check their abilities to maintain good educational standards. Every private organization should affiliate to government or private hospitals in Sri Lanka for practical programs (these conditions mainly for medical colleges). For Engineering and other academic programs also need a procedure to conduct practices. As an example an agriculture academic program must have a specific organization to conduct their practices (Example Gannoruwa Agricultural experiment center).
All the universities should have affiliations with local universities. In this case there will be a good understanding between local and private universities. These affiliations will help to strictly maintain government and foreign standards.
Everyone should aim to conduct specialist programs which our country needs.
There are many things to discuss under this topic, the topic is so wide. Sri Lanka needs these universities to maintain and keep its development process steadily. A good education should use as an instrument of development process in the country. I hope our future will be a bright one.
Charith Kumara.
Kursk State Medical University.
Kursk, Russia.

Your comments are highly appreciated. 

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