Tuesday 6 December 2011

True problems and dooms day.

There is a huge discussion in the society mentioning about a dooms day which comes soon. According to Mayan calendars and the majority of conspirators the world is going to its end. The only evidence which takes as strong point is an old Mayan calendar. I have a belief about the ancient knowledge. But I don’t like to become a slave of any kind of knowledge. First we must describe the situations and the information to our selves. Then we should think about the base of the theory. In the process shouldn’t forget to analyze the past and the present situations. Mayan Calendar comes to an end in 2012. Actually what was the purpose of the Mayan calendar? To describe the future? For sure the answer is no. Predictions about the future can be seen in every culture of the world. Many predictions stay unclear to this date. Many attempts which made to understand the future was unsuccessful. Many clues which were given to us by the ancestors still unclear in nature. It’s true! We shouldn’t under estimate their knowledge.    
But it’s a very clear to our minds there won’t be such a dramatic series of events marking the total extinction of animal kind. The idea is a correct one. According to the data which we know about the previous extinctions a total extinction is only an idea. (There is always a possibility).
A specific change in the earth’s axis, a huge tsunami caused by a big earthquake and asteroids are famous themes in the discussion. Greater than those threats there are some common problems which man should face to protect the world. Instead of the dooms day 2012 conspiracy people should think about the following things which may cause disaster effect in the near future.

Global warming.
Air Land and water pollution. Especially sea pollution.
War and nuclear power.
Fossil fuel use, limitation and its natural effects.
Population growth and their needs.
Animal extinction and deforestation.

These are some of the basic and well-known challenges in front of us. These are the major factors which we should concern about. Everyone knows the doomsday conspirator theories are to earn money rather than showing the real destination of the human kind.
Im not telling that those theories are not valuable. They provide some evidences of new challenges. For the present we have serious problems than them.
Mankind should turn their political, economic and development plans to the path of sustained development. The sustain development always have concerns about our environment. Management of natural resources is more meaningful with this plan. All the countries have the knowledge about sustained development. If we work together in such a development plan we can protect human kind and the animal kind including our natural resources. We will be the first generation which stopped a human extinctinction from the earth. 

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