Thursday 6 September 2012

A post from my new Russian Live journal blog site.

following blog will be the first letter of introducing the Russian political Mafia and the political play in the present. The letter would would submit clues about the fake world which described by the late Russian writes and artists. Their books haven't read by majority of new Russian generation. In directly the letter would supply some answer to the writers who have never seen Russia and writing it's greatness. I have the full confident to write the series of letters about Russia as I'm living in Russia around six years.  The following story is based on a real situation in Kursk State medical University
Shoot the Niger and shameful behavior
I was walking through the back gate of the Kursk state medical University (KSMU) one Russian folk who were wearing a sunglasses and a cap was visible through the window of the toilet. A student he should be. This fellow is a amazing student. I was with my girl friend. The fellow put his head out from the window I saw he was smoking and shouted at me “Fuck you Niger”. I felt so sad. This is not the only thing what he did. He showed two pistols they were aimed at me. I don’t know are they real or not? Is this the normal behavior of a medical student? I directly complained to the security guard at the gate. He was using very nice filth and told me it’s not a problem belongs to him. Then I went to meet the head of the security service of the university he was not there. The time was around 3 PM. It was a working day and the people who are responsible for university’s security have left. I was helpless. Don’t I have a dignity? These are not actual medical students. These are the cheap non disciplined people coming to the university from the rural areas Kursk and nearby places. Medical students really have a tamed character. These people don’t have such a clear mind and character. I wondered how did they got the opportunity to come to a medical university? Are these the people who are going to treat patients in the future? What a corrupted education. In my country medical education is for the real people but not to the maniacs. On the other hand why university doesn’t take an step to advice all the new coming students to teach the social norms and manners. Why the university can’t give a short introduction to the new students about the foreign students. What I can say is I never took anything from the university or from Russia without paying. I’m a medical student who is studying under my own expenses why the university and the others can’t pay a little attention about foreign students?

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