Monday 16 August 2010

Tears of the truth

If there is a time when you feel that you are alone. what do you think about such a situation? We have very closer relatives, Friends, Pets, but what will you feel if there is no one for you. I think you are lost. I think this is the true situation. When friend keep their distance from you, when they neglecting you, even your best friend, we lose our stability. But why all this? Most probably because you were a dedicated friend, dedicated relative, A true partner. All the memories which can memorize how you offered your friendship, the dedications you made for them, you will begin to suffer. you are alone in world. True friendship, true love these things are ghosts very few have seen them. Any way Nature should stabilize all  the things. Its something belong to future. well, future will come soon enough. May all of you have good friends.

1 comment:

  1. May You too have Very good friends... Other than the fake friends who are only expecting advantages of friendship.....

    And never expect anything back when you are doing/giving something to your friend...less keeping accounts-less suffering amounts.....
