Saturday 13 January 2018

ගීතයක් රචනා කරමින්.

අදත් මම ගොඩක් වෙලා බලන් හිටිය තැනක. එත් ඔයා පෙනෙන්න නැහැ. පැය 24 ම බැලුව. කමක් නැහැ අපිට ලංවෙන්නත් බැහැ. මම හෙටත් ඇවිත් එතනම බලනවා. හැමදාම. කරදරයක් නැතුව ඉන්නවනම් එච්චරයි. මම පෙනෙන්නේ නැහැ. පෙනෙන්න ඉන්නෙත් නැහැ. එත් හැම තැනකම මම ඉන්නවා. අවා නවා කියල තරහත් නැහැ. මේ දවස් වල මොළෙත් එච්චර හොඳ මදි වගේ මගේ 
 ඒවගේම පරණ සින්දුවක් අහනවා. යේ මම ඒ කාලේ වගේමයි. මේක මුලින්ම ඇහුවේ යාලුවෙක්ගෙ දුරකතනයේ තිබිල. තේරුම දන්නේ නැතුවත් මුලින් හිත ගියා. තේරුම දැනගත්තම කොහොමත් හිත යනවා. ඔක්කොම තේරුනෙත් නැහැ. එත් පස්සේ මෙන්න මේවගේ ඉංගිරිසි හාදයෙක් සින්දුව ගැන දාපු පැහැදිළි කිරීමකුත් දැක්ක. ලස්සනයි. ඒවගේම අනුවේදනීයයි.

To me this song is about a man who secretly loves a girl who doesn't know it. He is scared to tell her because she might get scared. How he explains it seems to be an obsession that he cannot control and he feels very frustrated by his feelings for her. He desperately wants to tell her he loves her but something is holding him back.

"I don't want the world to see me, because I don't think they'd understand" suggests that he doesn't know how to tell anyone/ express his feelings or he doesn't want people to know because they won't get it or he could be referring "world" as the girl he likes (she won't understand).

"When everything's made to be broken" suggests that he thinks it is wrong to be in love with this girl for some reason, or he tried to stop himself from loving her but can't help it.

"I just want you to know who I am" shows that he really wants the girl to know him on the inside and to know his deep feelings and not to see him as what he seems (how everyone else sees him). He would like her to understand his feelings for her - what makes up his world. It could also mean that she doesn't know who this man is at all and he wants her to meet him.

"when everything feels like the movies" shows that the love he has for this girl is like a love story from a movie - he loves her so much that it's almost un-real/ hard to believe.

ඒවගේම එතන තව ගොඩක් සාධාරණ පැහැදිළි කිරීම් තිබුන මගේ හිත ගියේ මේකට. මොකද දන්නෙත් නැහැ. එත් සින්දුව රස විඳින්න අමතක කරන්න එපා. 

සින්දුව මෙතනින්-Goo Goo Dolls - Iris

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