Friday 26 August 2011

I like these students

Many called them business mans in the uni life.(those who are doing something) to collect some pocket money. Some times to send a gift to the girlfriend to fill the gaps of the money from home. A the best kind is those who tease and laugh at them. I call them the billionaires. A group of billionaires who came to study in Russia, Have you ever heard such a joke? Various things. I also do a work for pocket money. but im not throwing stones, Because I know some times I may lose my window if I do so. In reality   the window of the innocent heart. These are the work people build their own student life stories. Laughing at them is something like suiciding. Take the water thing. How many people laugh at them. A group of students delivering water to other students.  They are building their own life. Not actually the life, confidence in life. This strengths are not given by their parents. They acquire by them. Some people doing ticketing(Flight,vehicles,calling systems) see the life remove your 150 Ruble sunglass. You are the generation who are going to treat farmers, Pettah Nattamies, Some times even to beggars. So dont keep such kind of ideas about people. Its your Kind, the human Kind. They need your help. These are the activities people build their own sky skyscraper in their own worlds. Dont laugh at them just because of you money filled pocket. Actually you should be shameful. Because of your parents money you left the work of writing(building) your own student life story. My dear brothers sisters be the real students. See the history, see how great guys say their own life. The way they came up.They makes my world bright.

If any mistakes and grammar mistakes please inform me I will try to improve-medical student   

1 comment:

  1. Business students are Great..!! Until they trying to do their business fairly..Once they cheat they lose their greatness...

    'Coz the fellow students are also not spending their own money..they are also trying to manage the monthly amount which was given to them by their parents...who knows may be those money was earned upon thousands of liters of sweat and tears...

    Hats off for the Earning students who don't cheat on their brothers & sister... :))
