Friday 22 March 2019

Another firday.

Many new movies are coming. I we could sit together and eatch one. I remembered that past. Today a friday. Remember the long walks at water's edge? Remember we bought water bottles donated to charity? I wish I could take you to Sembuwatta, jungle beach and Kandy. Im in pain Baba. Same pain I gave to you. I have to take the same level of pain. Im not angry with you Baba. How can I be? You did nothing wrong. I was the bad and the selfish one. I just want to love you and to feel the love from you in return. How faster was I travelling to take you ontime from the work place? Everything like it happened just a day before. I miss you Baba. I have lost my mind. I felt your pain. Now im taking the same pain. I know if you saw my pain you would be sad too. I know you had love for me. At least then. I dont know about today. But I think you would be at least kind to me. I love and loved you. I loved you not to take advantages baba. I love you not not to take advantage. Loved you because I love you. Because I felt love. Now I cant see you. Now I cant hear you. Not seeing you gives me a pain. Living without you like a torture. I know sweetheart, I deserve this pain. I will take this pain. I wish I could see you. I know I dont have the privilege. I know I dont have that right. Please take care Baba. 

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