Tuesday 26 March 2019

Missing you-2

You are surely busy these days. New year is closer. I have to go through a new year without you. Few years back closer to new year, we were like two birds. Smiling, joking, and travelling. We were walking holding the hands of each other. We were shopping. May be you are already doing that alone. Or may he you have a reason not to be alone. I have no anger. I have no jealousy. I have my pain. Like you did. I deserve the pain. I will take this pain. I have my broken soul. What we would do if we were together Baba? Shopping, eating together, joking. Many more. I miss you. My head is singing your name within. Im living in the past. Im keeping all your beautiful memory and feelings. I miss you. I know you are too busy. I wish If I could get busier with you. Please take care Baba. 

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