Monday 25 March 2019

Missing you.

Got up at 5 Am. Actually few minutes prior to 5 am. Hope sometimes you felt something. And I just wished If could receive a good morning message like in the past. I live in a time which forgotten by the world. I live in the time which you have forgotten. (reasonable or not im living there) please dont think Baba, that I never felt your Pain. I felt that. Im a cruel heartless person, I agree, but im not the worst in the category. I felt your pain. I remember you always. I came to the places where you were and to the places closer to you. I never let you to know. I will look at you Baba. I never disturbed you. Simply never wanted to hurt you further. I cant let you Cry anymore. I know how hard was it for you. I messed up everything. Please remember I never intended to hurt you. I just want to love you. And I will love forever.  Please take care Baba. My heart aches sometimes. I wish everything is fine with you. I will miss you forever.

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