Thursday 28 March 2019

New Year preparations.

Baba hope you are doing shopping these days. How woud it be, if you and I could go on shopping. And buy gifts for everyone. I know feel that would be fantastic. You would tire me by asking how those fit on look to you. Beautiful? Beautiful? You were always beautiful to me Baba. I have no words to describe that beauty. I never want to show you im rich or im privileged(im not. I have my heart only). I just wanted to see the one I love smiling. Smiling like a little girl. Busy period surely. I really remember the time when we were walking holding the hands. We lived a life. I lived my whole life with in that little period. I never wanted to hurt you Baba. I have to go through a new year far away from you. An average healthy person celebrates 70 new years. I dont want 70. I celebrated all of it in our first new year. I will miss you Baba. I will be here living within you. I will live in your memories. I will live forever heartbroken. Take care. 

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